Friday, June 20, 2008

6 methods to control what and how your content appears in search engines

I've had some trouble recently with Yahoo trying to index links in a view that contains agent-generated documents. This gives the Domino-error, "Special database object cannot be located". All errors are sent to my mailbox (an error-folder). I try to remove as many error-sources as possible, to avoid having to read hundreds of mails, or even worse, deleting all error-messages because there are too many.

Found a nice piece on avoiding indexing.

Added this to the head content of $$ViewTemplateDefault
<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
<meta name="robots" content="nofollow" />

I could filter/hide the view, but it's nice to have around for debugging purposes, and it doesn't contain confidential information.

I'm lazy :)