Quite a coincidence actually. After I graduated as a Bachelor of Information Technology in 2004, it was quite hard to get a programming-job in my part of Norway.
I applied for every interesting/uninteresting job I found (including project manager/etc :D), and got some interviews, but never got called back.
While still applying for programmer positions, I had a small job, setting up ADSL in private homes. The hourly pay was ok, but I only got one or two jobs per month.
Got tired of that, and started working at
NorDan in Egersund, January 2005, putting together balcony doors/etc. While the job itself sucked, it was an overall fun time I had there, because of great colleagues (I'm more blue-collar than white-collar).
I had an interview with
Compendia, my current employer. During the interview I got asked about Lotus Notes, which I'd never heard about. A month later, I got a call from my current boss.. I think my first words was something along the lines of "Ehhrmm... Who?". Having had several interviews that seemed to go ok before/not getting called back, I'd almost forgotten that I'd applied for a job. July 2005, I first put my hands on Lotus Notes (6.5).
If I hadn't gotten the job, I'd probably have gone back to school again..