I got
a question regarding how to work around the buggy multi-value implementation in XPages. I use a custom converter for my multi value fields.
var Converters = {
multivalue: {
// separator: String or RegExp
getAsObject: function( valuesString, separator ){
try {
separator = separator || ',';
var values = valuesString.split( separator );
// Trims empty values
var trimmedValue, trimmedValues = [];
for( var i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ){
trimmedValue = values[i];
// Removes leading and trailing white-space
if( trimmedValue ){
trimmedValues.push( trimmedValue.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, '' ) );
return trimmedValues;
} catch( e ){ /* Exception handling */ }
getAsString: function( values, separator ){
try {
if( values.constructor !== Array ){ values = [ values ]; }
separator = separator || '\n';
return values.join( separator );
} catch( e ){ /* Exception handling */ }
Put the above code snippet inside a script library. Add a custom converter to the multi value field.
In getAsObject ->
Converters.multivalue.getAsObject( value, separator );In getAsString ->
Converters.multivalue.getAsString( value, separator );getAsObject is the conversion of the submitted value to the stored value.
getAsString is the conversion of the stored value to a displayable string value.
// Split on comma, semi colon and any white space
Converters.multivalue.getAsObject( value, /,|;|\s/ );
// Show values comma separated
Converters.multivalue.getAsObject( value, "," );
value is a global variable that's available in the conversion. For getAsObject it's the submitted string. For getAsString, it's the stored value.