When I try to pass Me (As Variant) into a method that takes one parameter (getHåndbok in the pic), it works, when I try to pass Me into a sub that takes three parameters(getUtsnitt in the pic), this happens:
I have to create a variant and assign Me to it to make it work (replace Me with obj). Bug?
The Subs being called:
I assume you are within a class.
I've never had issues with using the Me keyword. When I'm passing outside the class, I usually use "this" which is just a regular variable name and not reserved.
This the syntax that I use.
Class Test
Function FuncA(A As Test)
Call Me.SubA(Me)
Call Test_SubB(Me)
End Function
Sub SubA(A As Test)
Call Me.FuncA(Me)
Call Test_FuncB(Me)
End Sub
End Class
Function Test_FuncB(This As Test)
Call This.SubA(This)
Call Test_SubB(This)
End Function
Sub Test_SubB(This As Test)
Call This.FuncA(This)
Call Test_FuncB(This)
End Sub
I rarely need to use variants for this type of thing.
Can you reproduce the problem?
The reason that I use a variant is this: I walk through a structure made up from documents of two types, menuitem-/content-documents.
I can't get the structure from a view without cross-storing values, which I'm not fond of.
On every node, I call a method on the object being passed, obj.nextNode( entry ).
I could just gather the entries in a list, but then I'd had to do two loops, one to make the list, and one to process the structure.
I did a quick test.
With a string as the first parameter, everything OK!
With a NotesView as the first Parameter:
IBM Lotus Domino Designer
Data not saved due to script error(s)
Code used:
Class PassMeAsVariant
Private one As NotesView
Sub New
Call takeOne( Me )
Call takeThree( one, 2, Me )
End Sub
End Class
Sub takeOne( var As Variant )
End Sub
Sub takeThree( view As NotesView, dbfl As Double, var As Variant )
End Sub
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