Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fun with the WebBrowser Control pt 2

Getting to know the object more and more.

Today's flash shows capturing events from the browser-control, and picking values from the document inside the control.

This resource from Microsoft has helped me along somewhat. Only a fraction of the methods/events/properties documented is available in Notes though.

The demoapp is still not ready, as I'm still not finished investigating possibilities.. :)


Jerome Carter said...

Nice mashup! What client version of Notes?

Tommy Valand said...

I'm using 8.01, but I would think the code I'm using should be backwards compatible to the version that introduced layers (Notes 6?)..

Most of the code is interaction with the WebBrowser control.

Jerome Carter said...

I haven't tried this in a layer in R6, but when embedded as an object, the browser control can be a bit flaky in that version of Notes. Reason I asked was it seems to be more stable now, or maybe it has to do with using a layer. With our experiments in R6, we had a pretty event chance of the client crashing or the runtime totally losing a handle on the object.

Tommy Valand said...


The control has been more or less rock solid in N8. No crashes so far.

A while back (in N7), I tried putting/using the control inside a table cell. Notes didn't seem to like that.

Chris Toohey said...

AWE-some bro - really simple-to-use and amazing usage of the control.

I've found the Designer UI interaction with said control is a little flaky, but it's dead-on accurate on the Notes client in usage.

Looking forward to more!
