I'm back working in the client again. It seems every time I'm working on client code, I discover a new NotesUI-bug. :-\
Purpose: When user tries to create a settings doc, check to see if one already exists. If yes, open the existing doc (by static unid), else set static unid, continue.
I'd have thought it would be as easy as (in PostOpen) Source.Close, NotesUIWorkspace.EditDocument. And it would, if the user was running Notes 8.0.X. In Notes 8.5, the client closes both the "Create Settings" instance, and the LS instance if the user opens the Settings-form when a settings doc already exists (see code below).
The workaround is easy: Source.Close, NotesUIWorkspace.URLOpen
Even though it's easy to make the code work in 8.5, I shudder to think about how many existing applications that's going to misbehave if the user upgrades to Notes 8.5.
Sub Postopen(Source As Notesuidocument)
On Error Goto handleError
Print Source.IsNewDoc 'True then False when settings doc exists
'// If new doc, check for existing settings doc
If Source.IsNewDoc Then
Dim settingsDoc As NotesDocument
Set settingsDoc = s.currentDatabase.GetDocumentByUNID( UNID_SETTINGS )
'// Set static unid on new settings doc
If settingsDoc Is Nothing Then
Source.Document.UniversalID = UNID_SETTINGS
'// Open existing settings doc
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace()
Call ws.URLOpen( settingsdoc.NotesURL ) 'Works
'Call ws.EditDocument( False, settingsDoc ) 'Does not work
Source.Close True
End If
End If
Exit Sub
If Err = 4091 Then Resume Next 'Invalid UNID
End Sub
>> Bugreport