Wednesday, November 10, 2010

NotesDocumentCollection.stampAllMulti and readers fields

Update 11.11.10: I did a little test, and it looks like the bug(?) affects Readers, Authors and Names fields.

Readers fields (isReaders=True) in the "template" document seems to be set as Text fields in the stamped documents.

It wasn't a critical bug(?) for me, but I thought I should share it.

Only tested on Domino 8.5.2


Richard Schwartz said...

AFAIK it's always been that way. @formula language agents that do FIELD xx := "yy" use the same mechanism as stampAll when run in background or at the view level, and they have never preserved the data type. You always had to refresh the document fields in order to apply the form and reset the types.

Anonymous said...

@Richard: Actually formula agents that update fields (using FIELD XX := "YY") preserve the special data type (READERS, AUTHORS) if there is an existing value in the document.

Erik Brooks said...

Perhaps the problem isn't just Readers' fields? Does StampAllMulti() honor *any* of the flags set? E.g. readers, authors, names, summary...

Richard Schwartz said...

To Anonymous: Well then... I have a feeling that wasn't always true, but I could be wrong.

Tommy Valand said...

@Erik: I did a little test, and the issue seems to be with Authors, Readers and Names fields. This is regardless of flags set in the field before the stampAllMulti is issued.

Martijn de Jong said...

I tested it in Lotus Notes 8.5.3 FP1. Still the same :-(