If you use this in a webapp, and run as web user, it ignores readers-fields, and returns all column values. This is similar to the LS Evaluate-behavior when you do @DbLookup/@DbColumn.
Also.. If you do NotesView.FTSearch, getColumnValues returns all values, instead of only the ft-search filtered values.
Simple function that does the same as NotesView.getColumnValues, safer, but a little slower:
Function columnValues( view As NotesView, Byval columnIndex As Integer ) As Variant
On Error Goto bubbleError
'Create empty dynamic array
columnValues = Split( "" )
Dim entryCol As NotesViewEntryCollection, entry As NotesViewEntry
Set entryCol = view.AllEntries
Set entry = entryCol.GetFirstEntry
While Not entry Is Nothing
If entry.IsValid Then
columnValues = Arrayappend( columnValues, entry.ColumnValues( columnIndex ) )
End If
Set entry = entryCol.GetNextEntry( entry )
columnValues = Fulltrim( columnValues )
Exit Function
Error Err, Err
End Function
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