Todays demo is (hopefully) a precursor to something that will be very useful to you, my readers. I started looking for a way to dynamically creating a Data Table control. Since XPages still is in its infancy, documentation and examples-wise, I had to go look for information on JSF (which XPages is built upon).
I found this great resource. The classes used for UIComponents in XPages have different names than the standard JSF-classes, but the syntax is more or less the same.
To find the XPages equivalent classes, I create the component I want to find the class for. Set an id to it. Then I create a computed field with the value of typeof getComponent( 'componentId' ). This returns the full class name of the component. E.g. the class for DataTable is
In the demo I've made, I create a Data Table control inside an empty Panel component. The panel's data binding is a sessionScope variable. The XPage has a couple of buttons that lets you change the data of the table. The buttons do a partial update on the dynamically created table.
Screenshots of demoapp:
>> Download demoapp
This "technique" can easily be used for programmatically modifying existing Data Tables at runtime as well. Take a look at the code, and get inspired.. :)
Share and enjoy!
Thanks for sharing, great example!
I'm currently working on something similar for a project, but with a tree structure instead of a flat table. The tree structure renders the complete UI of a web application based on a Java object tree (UI model).
I'm going to write a link to your article in a new posting for my XPages series about leveraging JSF features. You can find it here. Press the XPages category to see the complete list of articles.
I'm already a subscriber to your blog. You have some great information there. :)
Hopefully your customer will let you share some of your tree structure techniques. Since IBM is so lazy with documentation (beyond the basic), I feel it's up to everyone in the Notes/Domino community to share their wealth of knowledge.
Thanks for the advice! It exactly what I need now to create complicated dataTables (with dynamic categorization, sorting and so on).
But I faced with issue, which can’t solve already for several hours: it’s creation of the pager control for the created table.
The code is like the following:
XspDataTableEx table = new;
**** table creation related stuff ****
parentDiv.getChildren().add(table); // table successfully created
XspPager pager = new XspPager();
pager.setLayout("Previous Group Next");
parentDiv.getChildren().add(pager); // pager is not created
Would you share any ideas, what is wrong?
Thanks in advance!
The pager is a facet of the DataTable.
Here's some pseudocode that might work (check the XPages/JSF API for proper terms).
Map tableFacets = table.getFacets();
tableFacets.put( "header", pager );
Base API for all UIComponents:
Tommy, thanks for your quick feedback!
…but not working… (
Area in header is created, but it’s absolutely blank…
I did try add pager as facets as well as separate component, but still no progress. (
I think, I lost some obvious method which will make pager work.
I will keep trying and let you know when I find the reason!
Best regards,
woo-hoo!! Solved! Found the reason!! ))
The magic phrase to be added is: pager.initAfterContents(facesContext);
So, based on given source code example, it should look like:
XspDataTableEx table = new;
**** table creation related stuff ****
XspPager pager = new XspPager();
pager.setLayout("Previous Group Next");
and last either:
BTW: pager will work as separate component, as well as facet of the dataTable.
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