Friday, January 18, 2013

Small LS class that can be used to check if fields have changed

We've had some issues with semaphore locks on one of our import databases. The import database has routines that import/update data, then replicate it to a cluster when it's done.

We're not exactly sure what triggers the locks, but the server crashed sometimes several times a day, so we decided to see if the import routines could be optimized to do as few writes as possible.

Several of the routines saved documents even if there were no field changes. I wrote a simple class to test for field value changes.
'// Used to test if certain fields have changed
Class FieldChangeChecker
 Private fieldsToCheck As Variant
 Private fieldValues List As Variant
 '// Run this after calculcation/etc. to see if specified fields have changed
 Function haveFieldsChanged( doc As NotesDocument ) As Boolean
  On Error GoTo bubbleError
  If doc.isNewNote Then
   haveFieldsChanged = True
   Exit Function
  End If
  Dim initialValue As Variant, currentValue As Variant
  ForAll fieldName In Me.fieldsToCheck
   initialValue = Me.fieldValues( fieldName )
   currentValue = doc.getItemValue( fieldName )(0)
   If initialValue <> currentValue Then
    haveFieldsChanged = True
    Exit Function
   End If
  End ForAll
  Exit Function
  Error Err, errorMessage()
 End Function
 '// Comma separate field names. E.g. "forename,surname"
 Sub New( ByVal commaSeparatedFieldNames As String )
  On Error GoTo bubbleError
  Me.fieldsToCheck = FullTrim( Split( commaSeparatedFieldNames, "," ) )
  Exit Sub
  Error Err, errorMessage()
 End Sub
 '// Run this before calculation/etc.
 Sub readInitialValues( doc As NotesDocument )
  On Error GoTo bubbleError
  ForAll fieldName In Me.fieldsToCheck
   Me.fieldValues( fieldName ) = doc.getItemValue( fieldName )(0)
  End ForAll

  Exit Sub
  Error Err, errorMessage()
 End Sub 
End Class
Example of use:
Dim fieldChangeChecker As New FieldChangeChecker( "FirstName,LastName,Address,PostCode,City" )
Set customerDoc = customersView.getFirstDocument()
While Not customerDoc Is Nothing
 Call fieldChangeChecker.readInitialValues( customerDoc )

 '// Code that looks up the newest information and sets fields

 If fieldChangeChecker.haveFieldsChanged( customerDoc ) Then
  Call dataDoc.Save(True, False) 
 End If

 Set customerDoc = customersView.getNextDocument( customerDoc )
Regarding the errorMessage-function in the class. I use error bubbling in all my LS code. If something fails somewhere in a routine, I want the routine to stop executing. At the top of the stack, I use OpenLog/LogError. This gives me a nice pseudo stack of the function calls.
Code for errorMessage function:
Function errorMessage As String
 '// Simple function to generate more readable errors when dealing with error-bubbling
 Dim message As String
 message = Error
 If CStr( GetThreadInfo(10) ) = "INITIALIZE" Then
  errorMessage =  "Error " & Err & " on line " & Erl & " in function " & GetThreadInfo( 10 ) & ": " + Error
  errorMessage =  Chr(13) + Chr(9) + "Error " & Err & " on line " & Erl & " in function " & GetThreadInfo( 10 ) & ": " + Error$ 
 End If 
End Function


NotesSensei said...

Reminds me of the class final exam in the advanced LotusScript programming course I taught at Digicomp in Switzerland. We called it: "BBIWY" (Big Brother is Watching You).

Difference here: we didn't pre-read the values, but used a separate session, nsf and doc object to reload it from disk and the compare.

Tommy Valand said...

Interesting.. Are you saying that you can have multiple session objects in memory in LS?

I tried the "check on disk", but as I only had one session object (and you can only have one instance of a specific NotesDocument per session), this was the simplest solution I could find.