Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fix for partial refresh on Dojo Tab Container/Content Pane

I wrote this a while back, but I couldn't find that I'd shared it.

You need to use the partial refresh hijacker to use the code snippet.

This code snippet initializes Dojo Tab Containers/Dojo Content Panes in the area that's refreshed:
// Fix problem with partial refresh on Dojo Tab Container/Content pane
// Source for inspiration:
dojo.subscribe( 'partialrefresh-complete', this, function( method, form, refreshId ) {
 var tabContainersAndContentPanes = dojo.query( '[id=' + refreshId + '] .dijitTabContainer[widgetid], ' +
  '[id=' + refreshId + '] .dijitContentPane[widgetid]' );
 if( tabContainersAndContentPanes.length === 0 ) {
 for( var i = 0; i < tabContainersAndContentPanes.length; i++ ) {
  var widgetId = tabContainersAndContentPanes[i].getAttribute( 'widgetid' );
  var widget = dijit.byId( widgetId );
  if( widget ) {
} );

Add the code snippet in a dojo.addOnLoad function or something similar.

If you have other widget types that fails to initialize, just modify the selector/startup commands to fix.