Update: I got a question by mail if this bug is in the Gold release. It is. I'm running Revision 20081211.1925 (Release 8.5).
When debugging code that fetches the active NotesUIDocument from NotesUIWorkspace, NotesUIWorkspace.CurrentDocument randomly (?) returns Nothing. Sometimes the client also crashes when running code that does the above.
A couple of colleagues that work exclusively on the Client have gone back to Notes 8.0.2 because of the problem. Code that's affected by the above problem in the standard client seems to work when running the basic client.
I use this method to run the Basic Client.
A thread about the problem in the Notes 8.5 forum
If you have the same problem, please join in the discussion.
I also get a problem with uiview when the debugger is on.
With the debugger on the uiview.documents is empty whereas with the debugger off it has documents
It will probably force me back to 8.0.2 as it seriously impacts productivity - I am hoping to do a fresh install tomorrow to confirm that it is not an installation error
Then it might seem like the whole NotesUI-part is slightly f*cked (development-wise) in the new release.
Some of the events in NotesUIDatabase are hard to work with as well.
Thank the gods that I mostly work with web development! :)
Hmmm. It makes you wonder a bit, doesn't it? It's rather sloppy and worrisome for errors like this to crop up, and one wonders how long IBM will take to fix them.
I have been debating whether or not to do all my NotesTracker development in Domino Designer 8.5 and, based on this report and your other one (about QueryClose, etc ... http://dontpanic82.blogspot.com/2009/01/my-first-bug-found-in-nd-85.html ) I've decided for the moment to stick with using DD 7.0.3 until it becomes clear that DDE 8.5 is closer to 99.99 percent reliable, as I cannot afford to waste time with such bugs. Luckily I don't need any of the new functions of 8.5 (like Xpages) for NotesTracker, for now at least.
Same prob. Not sure it have been fixed in ND8.5.1 or not.
I haven't had any problems with the UI classes since upgrading to N/D 8.5.1
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