I made this simple class today as a replacement for a get-only getParameter routine I used earlier. This class should handle both get- and post-requests.
My "documentation" (something new I've been trying out) of the class:
>> Class in a text-file
(the tabs are a little off in Notepad/Wordpad, but should look correct in DD)
>> Simple demoapp
Update, 01.07.2009: A small codechange to support multi-value requests. For instance from a form with checkboxes.
Update, 30.05.2008: There was a bug in the class. If you had a parameter containing "=", the parameter value would be cut off before =. The class is updated with the fix (demoapp not updated).
Update, 25.03.2008: I've updated the class so that it should handle request_content above 64k. Read more here.
Update, 13.12.2007: I updated the class with a method to print a html-report of the request, using the docToHTML-procedure in the previous post.
Update, 25.09.2008: Added functionality to fetch cookies from a request.
Does the class doe HTTPS?
You could incorporate this:
I would be honored!
:-) stw
Maybe I chose a bad name for the class..?
It's intended as a simple way to fetch parameters from POST/GET requests made to NotesAgents.
With the [HttpRequest].htmlReport-method, it's also simple to have a look at what different browsers post to the server.
Also, it's LotusScript, so.. Sorry :)
Got me there :-)
Having only half a look the name suggested it is something (wrapped around some java) that does HTTPRequests in agents.
Name suggestion:
:-) stw
Django, one of the bigger Python web-frameworks (comparable to Ruby On Rails in the programming language Ruby) calls their HttpRequest-handler the same (HttpRequest), so I think I'll stick to the name.
From the Domino-server's viewpoint, what the class is dealing with is a HttpRequest.
A bit off-topic: have you looked at my old URL class in LotusScript? It handles the parameters in the url perfectly :-)
@Johan: It looks nice. The HttpRequest is designed for other needs, though.
There is a weakness in your code, btw. Where you extract the parameter value:
For i = Lbound(pairs) To Ubound(pairs)
c = Split(pairs(i), "=")
result(i, 0) = c(Lbound(c))
result(i, 1) = c(Ubound(c))
Next i
If the parameter value contains =, you only get the part before =.
@Tommy: Thanks for the response! = and & are reserved characters for separating argument keys and values in the URL. So for instance, if you have an argument that is called "comment" and the value should be "Microsoft=crap", you have to encode it like: comment=Microsoft%3Dcrap
Otherwise, you can not distinguish the key/value separator from the character in the value. :-)
Ah.. When I look at your code again, I see that you take URL as a parameter for the constructor.
I only skimmed through the code, so I presumed you used NotesSession.DocumentContext.getItemValue( "url_query_string_decoded" )(0)
In that case, the comment field you mentioned would contain =.
My bad.. :)
No problem :D It's good to see that there are active Domino bloggers out there. I've been a bit too quiet for a long time regarding Domino development.
I can't speak for the others, but I feel that there is little new to blog about regarding general purpose "old school" domino development.
I haven't started working with XPages yet, so I have little to share in that department.
Nice job. Exactly What I was looking for. Now I can handle post request easily.
Just a comment: If I send both, get and post parameters, it seems to take post parameters only. Anyway it's ok for me.
Thank you for sharing it.
I just made a couple of small modifications for my personal use. Details:
Notice I don't say "old school", I prefer "classic" :)
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